On The Main Stage John That from Los Angeles, CA USA

Musicians... It all begins with a "Free" Gig Page
Get started today!
Artists can use Gig Traxx to promote themselves and fans use it to discover them. Gig Traxx songs are also available via Music Streaming on GigBreaker.com. Gig Traxx Music Streaming is a full listing of all artists and musicians that sign up with a Gig Traxx page. This is based on genre and separated into playlists with direct links to the supporting Gig Traxx Page. Gig Traxx pages can help bring awareness to musicians and entertainment for many more.
Gig Shops are customized storefronts for people in the music industry to sell their services or products. People browsing our Gig Shops on this website can link to music or other related merchandise that an artist or musician is selling on their Gig Shop. Gig Shops consolidate links to other places on the web and increase traffic and exposure.
Artists & musicians can sell CD's, Downloadable Music Files, Clothing and other Apparel or any other merchandise.
There is an an option to add up to 4 photos with 4 links or add 1 big photo with one link. It's a web page on Gig Breaker linking to stores elsewhere on the web. There is even a description about the artist , your band or the products being sold. The uses are many and adaptable to fit any need for the music professional. Gig Shops are another unique Gig Breaker service to help artists and musicians be discovered.
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About Gig Breaker
Gig Breaker is a music promotions company located in the United States. Our endeavor started as a simple idea and has now grown into something really unique. We represent over a hundred musicians from 19 countries all over the globe. We are bringing appreciation and awareness to musicians and helping them"Be Discovered" by more fans.
This website is used by music lovers and music industry professionals everywhere. We offer various products and services. FREE Gig Pages, Music Streaming powered by Gig Traxx, Gig Shops, Music and more. Join us and see how your free Gig Page can bring you more exposure and help you be discovered. Currently, we have over 100 artists and musicians involved in the Gig Breaker program. Our professional, promotional and entertainment services are fresh concepts in the music industry and are welcomed by many. Musicians in more than 20 countries across the globe are using our services and products.
It's not just artists and musicians using this website but also music lovers. Fans of music also find our services convenient and engaging. Visitors can explore this website and discover new artists and musicians. Our Music Streaming helps visitors discover new artists to follow and support using Gig Traxx.
We offer various products and services. Gig Pages are always free for artists and musicians. Think of Gig Pages as an electronic resume page to the world. A musicians most vital information is accessible on one page, including photos, videos and links to your other music websites.
Join us and see how a Free Gig Page can get a musician started in the Gig Breaker network and bring exposure & appreciation to their music and products. We enjoy bringing awareness to musicians by elevating them using our promotional products. Our Products help gather musicians new fans throughout their Gig Breaker journey.
Musician Gig Pages Are Always Free, sign up and get started today! Learn more about them by clicking on the note. Gig Traxx and Gig Shops are part of our premium customized services. These services and products take a musicians promotion to the next level. See our featured Gig Traxx artist "The Jericho Harlot" below and begin browsing Gig Traxx.